Scholarship Opportunities
Apply for CTF Scholarships
CTF Graduate School Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025
Students who are studying a transportation related field; are currently enrolled as a student in good standing in a California graduate school or are currently enrolled in an undergraduate institution and have been accepted into a California graduate school; and are a United States citizen, permanent resident, or studying in legal visa status are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount: $5,000
Number Available: 1
Caroline Alain Rodman Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: November 17, 2024
Criteria/ Eligibility: Must be a United States citizen, permanent resident, or studying in legal visa status. Currently enrolled as a student in good standing or has been accepted to a California graduate school Master’s program. Have a minimum Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 and Graduate School GPA of 3.0 (if available). Studying in the fields of either Political Science or Public Policy with relevant and identifiable focus on the transportation industry.
Scholarship Amount $2,000
Number Available: 1
Tim Fleming Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: December 9, 2024
Criteria/Eligibility: Undergraduate students in their Junior or Senior year or graduate students majoring in civil engineering or a transportation-related field at the following universities: University of California, Davis; Cal State University Sacramento; or the University of the Pacific.
Scholarship Amount: $5000
Number Available: 2
Pat Weston Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: November 3, 2024
Criteria/Eligibility: Open to full time Caltrans employees who have been with Caltrans for a minimum of 6 months. May be used toward a graduate or undergraduate degree in the field of transportation planning.
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
Number Available: 1
Hveem Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: Fall 2024
The Francis N. Hveem Memorial Scholarship is in memory of Francis N. Hveem, who was a former State Materials Engineer, and Chief of the Materials and Research Laboratory. The Transportation Laboratory (Translab) has been reorganized several times since Mr. Hveem 's departure and is now Materials Engineering and Testing Services (METS).
Scholarship Amount: $2,000
Number Available 3
Buser Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: Check Back October 2024
Criteria/Eligibility: Applicants must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate in a Land Surveying/Geomatics Engineering or closely related degree or certificate program at a California based College or University. A minimum cumulative college Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 at the end of the spring semester/quarter of the year previous to the scholarship year is required; freshman students should use their high school GPA. Students must intend to pursue a transportation related career in Land Surveying. Open to U.S. citizen, permanent resident or documented international students only.
Scholarship Amount: $2250
Number Available: 2
CTF Heckeroth Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025
Eligible applicants must be an undergraduate student enrolled at an accredited California educational institution, major in Civil Engineering, have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 and plan to pursue a career in transportation after graduation. The scholarship is competitive and based on the applicant’s commitment to a career in transportation, current achievements and academic record.
Scholarship Amount: $5,000
Number Available: 1
Stanley Jacobs/PECG Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2024
Open to junior-level or above mechanical engineering (ME) and mechanical engineering technology (MET) students attending California State University, Sacramento; University of California, Davis, or University of the Pacific, Stockton. The Division of Equipment is offering one individual a $1,000 scholarship combined with an ongoing paid student position assisting the design engineering and specifications engineering branches in vehicle upfitting and design duties for the Division.
Applicants must be in good academic standing (> 2.0 GPA overall and in major), must be continuing in mechanical engineering coursework for the Fall 2022 quarter or semester, plan to pursue a career in the vehicle engineering or construction equipment engineering field and have an interest in learning more about the Caltrans Division of Equipment headquarters shop in Sacramento.
Scholarship Amount: $750
Number Available: 1
Caltrans Right of Way Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2024
College juniors who are related to past or present Caltrans Right of Way employees are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount: $750
Number Available: 1
Caltrans Transportation Planning Scholarship
Apply by: November 3, 2024
CTF and Caltrans, Planning Staff are offering one (1) $750 scholarship to promising Planning Student Assistant. This scholarship is intended to recognize, encourage, and assist an outstanding student who are pursuing a baccalaureate or a graduate degree in planning or a related field. Applicants must have a demonstrated interest in working in the planning profession.
Scholarship Amount: $750
Number Available: 1
Children of Fallen Transportation Worker Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: April 3, 2025
Criteria/Eligibility: Applicant must be the child or stepchild of a transportation worker killed on the job currently enrolled in college, vocational school, or a senior in high school who is continuing his/her education.
The scholarship award must be used to attend a post-secondary school or institution. This may include any: public or private four-year accredited college or university; two-year accredited college; vocational-technical college or a training institution.
Scholarship Amount: $1000 - $5000
Number Available: TBD
G. Langsner Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: June 30, 2024
The G. Langsner Memorial Scholarship applicants must be a college/university undergraduate majoring in civil engineering, interested in pursuing a career in transportation after graduation, and affiliated with Caltrans.
Current student assistants, volunteers, and sons or daughters of Caltrans employees are eligible to apply. The award of the scholarship is based on the applicant’s commitment to a career in transportation, current job skills, and academic record. Financial need may be considered, but it is not a primary factor.
Scholarship Amount: $1,500
Number Available: 3
H. Heckerorth Endowed Scholarship
Apply by: June 30, 2024
Criteria/ Eligibility: University and college undergraduate students majoring in civil engineering, interested in pursuing a career in transportation after graduation, and who are professionally affiliated with Caltrans (interns, volunteers, student assistants, employees) are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount: $750
Number Available: 1
M. Langsner Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: June 30, 2024
University and college undergraduate students majoring in human resources who are professionally affiliated with Caltrans (interns, volunteers, student assistants, employees) are eligible to apply. This scholarship is awarded in memory of Marian Smith Langsner an esteemed Caltrans Personnel Officer.
Scholarship Amount: $750
Number Available: 1
Transportation Endowed Scholarship
Apply by: June 30, 2024
Criteria/ Eligibility: Undergraduate university and college students majoring in transportation fields other than civil engineering, and who are professionally affiliated with Caltrans (interns, volunteers, student assistants, employees) are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount $1,500
Number Available: 3
Bimla G. Rhinehart Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025.
Criteria/ Eligibility: University students who will be entering their Senior year in the 2025 Summer or Fall terms and are enrolled in business, planning, engineering, or related major at a university in California intending to pursue a career in transportation. Applicant must be a U.S. Citizen or a Registered International Student.
Scholarship Amount: $2,500
Number Available: 1
Caltrans District 1 Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025.
High school seniors or college undergraduates living in Caltrans District 1 (includes the counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, and Mendocino) are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount: $2,250
Number Available: 1
Caltrans District 2 Scholarship
Apply by: May 14, 2024
High school seniors or college undergraduate students living in Caltrans District 2 (includes the counties of Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity and portions of Butte and Sierra), who are sponsored by a District 2 Caltrans employee (by writing a letter of recommendation for that student), are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount: $1,500
Number Available: 5
Caltrans District 3 Scholarship
Apply by: May 3, 2024
Sponsored by Caltrans District 3 employees in conjunction with the California Transportation Foundation and Professional Engineers in California Government, Marysville Section.
One $1,125 scholarship will be awarded to any high school senior or first or second-year college student receiving instruction within Caltrans District 3 (includes the counties of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, El Dorado, Placer, Nevada, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba).
Scholarship Amount: $1125
Number Available: 1
Caltrans District 4 Disability Advisory Committee Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2024
The District 4 DAC Scholarship encourages students with disabilities to pursue degrees that can lead them to a career in the transportation industry but is not necessary to qualify for this scholarship. We encourage students to apply who attend a high school or college in the counties served by District 4 who meet the California Fair Employment and Housing Act disability criteria and have a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Scholarship Amount: $750
Number Available: 1
Caltrans District 8 Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025
Graduating high school senior from within Riverside or San Bernardino Counties (Inland Empire). Candidates must intend to enroll in career in transportation.
Caltrans District 9 Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2024
Funded by Employees of the California Department of Transportation, District 9 - Bishop, and the California Transportation Foundation. Applications are being accepted from District 9 High School Seniors (graduating from high school in Inyo, Mono, or Eastern Kern Counties) pursuing a transportation related career.
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
Number Available: 3
Caltrans District 10 Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2024
High school seniors living in Caltrans District 10 (includes the counties of Amador, Alpine, Calaveras, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne) and children of Caltrans District 10 employees are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount: $1,500 - $1,800
Number Available: 1
Caltrans District 11 Disability Advisory Committee Scholarship
Apply by: October 6, 2024
To be eligible for this scholarship, each applicant must meet the following criteria:
For High School Students:
Recipient must be a US citizen or legal resident of the State of California.
Recipient must have a permanent disability defined by the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) as having a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Recipient on track to graduate by June 2023. Recipient must have a minimum GPA of 2.0.
Recipient of the DAC/CTF scholarship should plan on using their education to contribute to the enhancement of transportation in California.
For College Students:
Recipient must be a US citizen or legal resident of the State of California.
Recipient must have a permanent disability defined by the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) as having a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Recipient must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 semester or 9 quarter units. Recipient must have a minimum GPA of 2.0.
Recipient of the DAC/CTF scholarship should plan on using their education to contribute to the enhancement of transportation in California.
Scholarship Amount: $750
Number Available: 2
Caltrans HQ DAC Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025
Criteria/ Eligibility: A college student who has a disability defined by the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) as having a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; residing in California at the time of applying for the scholarship, and currently enrolled in a minimum of six units in a college or university.
Caltrans District 12 Scholarship
Apply by: Opens September 1 - September 30
Criteria/ Eligibility: Children or grandchildren of current Caltrans District 12 staff may apply. Open to students attending a 2 or 4 year educational institution and/or high school graduates enrolled or planning to enroll at a 2 or 4-year educational institution.
To apply contact Tedi Nguyen directly for an application at Tedi.Nguyen@dot.ca.gov
Scholarship Amount: $1,500
Number Available: 1
Dekema Scholarship
Apply by: June 16, 2024.
The Dekema Scholarship honors the accomplishments of Jacob Dekema, District 11 Director, from 1955 to 1980.
Applicants must: be a U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, or documented international student; be a high school senior in California or an undergraduate or graduate student from a California state accredited college; have a GPA of 2.5 or higher; pursue or plan to pursue a career in transportation.
Scholarship Amount: 6 at $1000 and 1 at $750
Number Available: 7
Satow Memorial Scholarship
Satow Memorial Scholarship award is given to the Transportation Laboratory at Sacramento State. The award comes from the CTF Ernie Satow Memorial Scholarship Fund established by his family and Caltrans coworkers. Ernie worked as a Transportation Engineer in the Bay Area Office of Caltrans and was an alum of CSUS.
Roberts Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: June 30, 2024
James E. Roberts Memorial Scholarship applicants must be in their senior year of a California high school and interested in pursuing a college degree in civil engineering. The award of the scholarship is based on the applicant’s commitment to a career in transportation, current job skills, academic record, and specific goals and experience. Financial need may be considered, but it is not a primary factor.
Scholarship Amount: $2,500
Number Available: 7
Arun Sudhakar Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: June 30, 2024
Criteria/ Eligibility: High school seniors who are children of Caltrans employees are eligible to apply.
Applicants must be in their senior year of high school and the son or daughter of a Caltrans employee. All high school seniors interested in the disciplines (such as engineering, architecture, or urban studies) practiced within the California Department of Transportation are encouraged to apply.
Scholarship Amount $2500
Number Available: 2
Debra "Sam" Haack Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025
Criteria/Eligibility: Graduating High School Senior students from Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus or Tuolumne County. Senior High School Students who plan to pursue an education in the trades that relate to Caltrans Maintenance and Operations (for example; Diesel Equipment Technician, Electrical Technology, Heavy Equipment Operator, Welding Technology, Landscaping. etc.).
Qualifying post-high school graduation institutions include community colleges and trade schools within the aforementioned counties.
Scholarship Amount: $2000
Number Available: 2
D'juan Bush Memorial Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025
Two $750.00 scholarships will be awarded to commemorate the life of D’juan Bush, a graduate of Fremont High School in Oakland. D’juan was 24 years old when he died September 25, 2007 from injuries sustained while employed as a Highway Maintenance worker by the Department of Transportation.
Contact Adrienn Huffman at Adrienne.huffman@dot.ca.gov for the application
Scholarship Amount: $750
Number Available: 2
Caltrans District 5 Employee Scholarship
Apply by: Check Back in 2024
High school seniors living in Caltrans District 5 (includes the counties of Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz) are eligible to apply. This scholarship is intended to recognize and assist students who are planning to pursue a career in transportation.
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
Number Available: 2
Caltrans District 6 Transportation Scholarship
Apply by: Check Back in 2025
High school seniors who attend high school in Caltrans District 6 (includes the counties of Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Kern) are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amounts: $1,000 - $2,000
Number Available: 4
Caltrans District 6 Employee/Family Scholarship
Apply by: Check Back in 2025
High school seniors related to current, former, or retired Caltrans District 6 employee who attend high school in Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kings or Kern county are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount: $1,000 - $2,000
Number Available: 2
Caltrans District 7 Adopt-a-School Scholarship
Apply by: April 26, 2024
Eligibility: High school seniors attending Franklin High School’s Arroyo Seco Academy (Charter School) or Wilson High School’s Transportation Career Academy Program in the City of Los Angeles are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
Number Available: 2
CTF Board Scholarship
Apply By: Winter 2024
Eligibility: University students attending the CTF Transportation Education Symposium in 2024 are eligible to apply and will receive an application after the event.
Scholarship Amount $2,500
Number Available: 1
CTF Education Symposium Scholarship
Apply By; Winter 2024
Eligibility: University students attending the CTF Education Symposium in 2024 are eligible to apply and will receive an application after the event.
Scholarship Amount: $5000
Number Available: 1
Scholarship in Honor of the California Transportation Comission
Apply By: Winter 2024
Eligibility: University students attending the CTF Transportation Education Symposium in 2024 are eligible to apply and will receive application at the event.
Scholarship Amount $1,000
Number Available: 1
Gray-Bowen-Scott East Bay Transportation Scholarship
Apply by: Check Back in 2025.
Scholarship awards support high school seniors who reside in Contra Costa, Solano, or Alameda Counties headed into college in the next year with a Transportation focus (i.e. Civil Engineering, planning, transit etc.).
Ho Huy Initiative Scholarship
Apply by: August 30, 2024.
Scholarship awards will support a high school senior in good academic standing committed to attending a community college or university. The student must be a son or daughter of a Caltrans employee or a student re commended by a Caltrans employee or retiree. The student must be of African American or Native American descent with financial need.
International Smart Cities Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025
The Wendy Tao International Smart Cities Scholarship supports innovative research projects related to sustainable transport and smart cities that have relevance for California. The scholarship honors Wendy’s legacy as a business innovator, gifted scholar, and a global leader in sustainable transport and smart cities. The scholarship is open to professionals and graduate students.
Scholarship Amount: $5,000
Number Available: 1
CTF Supported ITS CA Scholarship
Apply by: Check back in 2025.
Two scholarships to advance academic studies and careers in the field of ITS. Eligible students must be Masters/Ph.D. students in an accredited university in California, studying any ITS-related field including, for example, engineering, computer science, transportation planning, or public policy.
Scholarship Amount: $5,000
Number Available: 1
CTF Supported WTS Scholarship
The WTS Foundation awards scholarships to students pursuing careers in transportation through undergraduate and graduate programs. The scholarships are competitive and based on the applicant's specific transportation goals, academic record and transportation-related activities or job skills. Minority candidates are encouraged to apply.
CTF Supported SCAG Scholarship
Apply by: Check Back in 2025
The SCAG Scholarship Program provides a $4,000 college scholarship award for each of seven high school or college students from across the SCAG region.
The California Transportation Foundation partners with SCAG to fund a scholarship award to an applicant to SCAG’s competition whom the SCAG Committee considered well-qualified, and whose application demonstrated an interest in transportation.
Scholarship Calendar
Check here for upcoming scholarship opportunities and deadlines.